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Clear Your Record With Expunction

If you have ever applied for a job, school admission or apartment lease, you know how important a clean criminal record can be. An expunction (also called expungement) is the process whereby a charge or in some limited circumstances, a conviction, can be removed from your criminal record. If you were previously charged with a criminal offense and that charge was resolved in your favor (you were found not guilty or the charge was dismissed), you may be eligible to have the arrest record expunged or erased.

Who Is Eligible For Expunction?

To be eligible for the expunction, you cannot have had an expunction in North Carolina and you cannot have had a felony conviction. Certain convictions may also be expunged. This generally is allowed for misdemeanor convictions occurring before the defendant’s 18th birthday or alcohol-related offenses occurring before the defendant’s 21st birthday. You must show the court that you have had no subsequent convictions for a two-year period from the date of the misdemeanor in question and that you have no prior felony convictions.

Under recently passed legislation, it is now possible to expunge certain felony convictions. These convictions must be low-level, nonviolent felonies occurring more than 15 years ago or more than four years ago if the conviction occurred before the defendant’s 18th birthday.

The Value Of Seeking Expunction

No one wants a blemish on their record to interfere with their career, education, their ability to carry a firearm or limit where they live. If you meet the criteria and want to pursue an expunction, we can help. The attorneys at Mason, Mason, & Smith Attorneys at Law have extensive experience with a wide range of criminal defense matters including expunction. We can help.

Get The Help You Need To Move Forward With A Clean Record

Believe you are eligible for an expunction? Call us today for a free consultation to discuss how to get started. We will let you know the steps involved and how we can help. Call 910-444-3505. You can also send us a quick email about your issue, and we will get back to you.