It is no secret that being involved in a routine traffic stop can be stressful and daunting under virtually any scenario. While there are various situations in which authorities might request that you pull over, one of the most common reasons for similar measures may...
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Does divorce affect Social Security benefits?
Numerous North Carolina residents worry if they’ll have enough money in retirement. If you are nearing retirement years and preparing to end your marriage, you may find yourself even more concerned about your financial position, as well as wondering if retiring when...
BAC testing: what you need to know
Every single day, police in North Carolina have to test drivers for suspected impairment. They may do this after car accidents or as part of routine traffic stops. There are three types of blood alcohol tests. Do you know what they are? The three commonly used BAC...
What to consider when requesting a divorce from one’s spouse
Initiating the end of a marriage can be a very emotionally charged event for both parties. Taking steps to ensure this conversation is civilized, straightforward, and considerate can help set the stage for a better divorce process. While these are rarely comfortable...
Legal considerations for couples planning to marry
When preparing to say “I do,” couples can find themselves both excited and busy. With wedding plans, family expectations, and future planning at the forefront, the legal implications of tying the knot may be an afterthought for many North Carolina couples. However,...
Tips for managing the holiday season amidst divorce
Facing the special days and celebrations after a split can be challenging, but what about those holidays that take place in the midst of family law issues? Emotional challenges aside, holidays can create difficult situations when it comes to issues like child custody...
Details worth working out in a divorce
When a couple splits ways, the “bigger” issues often are the first on one’s mind. Who gets the house? Who gets the kids? What monthly spousal or child support amounts are expected? These are certainly important topics for North Carolina couples to work out when going...
How credit card debt is handled under family law
When people talk about property division in a divorce, minds often go to splitting assets. But shared debt can be just as important a consideration as shared bank accounts or real estate, especially if it’s sizeable. While some North Carolina couples parting ways may...
Hiding property can have serious consequences in family law
Dividing property is one of the most legally challenging aspects of a divorce. Individuals may be tempted to try to hide valuable items or money from a former spouse during these proceedings. However, North Carolina family law does not look kindly on attempts to do...
When and how to get a child support modification
There may be situations in which divorced parents in North Carolina want to modify the child support amount paid. A modification is possible, but there are several points that parents should keep in mind. The court considers a substantial change in a parent's income...